Notable Quotes

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This weekend, we finally got the rings we ordered two months ago! We both wanted remembrance rings for Julian, so we picked out a stone that is the softest baby blue that we could find. The rings are white gold and the stone is Larimar--and we were able to have Julian's name inscribed on them.

It took us so long to get the rings because the stone is kind of hard to get. It's just now beginning to be used in jewelry, and is most often found in cruise ship gift shops because of its blue ocean color. Also, the only place in the world that the stone can be mined is on a small island in the Dominican Republic. Larimar was discovered in 1974 by Norman Rilling (a US Peace Corps volunteer) who gave it its name by combining the first part of his daughter's name, Larissa, and mar, the Spanish word for Sea. Its metaphysical properties are supposedly that it helps people remove restrictions they impose on themselves, helps them discover the deeper meaning of why they are here and most importantly (for us) the Larimar stone is supposed to bring you peace. But truthfully the reason we choose this stone is the beautiful baby blue color...the perfect representation of our beautiful baby boy.


Mom / Jolene said...

I love the rings - such a pretty stone. Don't think I've ever seen it before. It IS the perfect baby blue. The settings are great - Masculine and Feminine. Nice Nice!

Peri said...

What a beautiful reminder for a beautiful baby boy.

Megan said...

The stone is absolutely beautiful, but the meaning behind the rings is extremely tender. I love the settings. Very nice.

laura said...

those really are beautiful. i'm so happy you were able to find something that can remind you of your sweet baby.

judy said...

That is such a great idea. I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. So special and so perfect.

Janet said...

I love the rings. It's such a good idea to do something to remember him every day. They're beautiful.

Jason and Laura said...

What a lovely idea in remembrance of your perfect little boy, they are beautiful.