Notable Quotes

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, September 20, 2008

No Butts About It

What is this a photo of? Is it obvious? Do you think you know? Give up?

Its my lungs. Nasty huh.

Yes, yes, due to certain events in the recent past, I started smoking again. Well, it's time to quit (again), but this time I have a little help.

Studies have shown that people have been more successful quitting with Chantix (44%) than with Wellbutrin (29%), and the relapse rate of quitting "cold-turkey" is 86%. I started taking it last week so my offical "quit date" is this Wedensday morning, the 24th.

The only downside is my health insurance (in their infinite wisdom) would rather wait until I have lung cancer and pay thousands of dollars for chemo than pay the $120 a month for a 3-month prescription. So I'm stuck with the bill, but I think it will be worth it.

The reason I'm telling everyone this is that is says to in my "quit smoking plan." I know, I know, you've heard it all before, but I'm determined that this will be the last time.

Wish me luck . (And wish patience for Heather -- she's going to need it.)


Megan said...

Yeah!!! I'm proud of you. I can't imagine how hard it must be. I truly hope that this new medicine will work. Good Job.

Janet said...

Good job, and good luck! Heather can call and cuss at me when she's completely out of patience. I know you'll do well. You've done it before, and I'm already proud of you!

Jonathan said...

Keep making posts about how long you've gone. We're cheering for you.

Jason and Laura said...


I hope the chantix helps!

Mom / Jolene said...

wow, scott, is that really what your lungs look like? wow

I'm curious about your new med. does it chill you out a little like the wellbutrin did? how does it work - and how long will you have to take it?

well, good for you. and good for heather - if you end up missing one day, we will all understand. :)

laura said...

nice! it's got to be so frusterating to have an addiction, but that's awesome that you're determined to kick the habit! we're rooting for ya!

Dad said...

I know it's not easy, butyou can do it Scott!! Been there...done that.