Its my lungs. Nasty huh.
Yes, yes, due to certain events in the recent past, I started smoking again. Well, it's time to quit (again), but this time I have a little help.

The only downside is my health insurance (in their infinite wisdom) would rather wait until I have lung cancer and pay thousands of dollars for chemo than pay the $120 a month for a 3-month prescription. So I'm stuck with the bill, but I think it will be worth it.
The reason I'm telling everyone this is that is says to in my "quit smoking plan." I know, I know, you've heard it all before, but I'm determined that this will be the last time.
Wish me luck . (And wish patience for Heather -- she's going to need it.)
Yeah!!! I'm proud of you. I can't imagine how hard it must be. I truly hope that this new medicine will work. Good Job.
Good job, and good luck! Heather can call and cuss at me when she's completely out of patience. I know you'll do well. You've done it before, and I'm already proud of you!
Keep making posts about how long you've gone. We're cheering for you.
I hope the chantix helps!
wow, scott, is that really what your lungs look like? wow
I'm curious about your new med. does it chill you out a little like the wellbutrin did? how does it work - and how long will you have to take it?
well, good for you. and good for heather - if you end up missing one day, we will all understand. :)
nice! it's got to be so frusterating to have an addiction, but that's awesome that you're determined to kick the habit! we're rooting for ya!
I know it's not easy, butyou can do it Scott!! Been there...done that.
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