Notable Quotes

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Returning Home we are. We just got back to NC last night (after some confusion at the airport, damn airlines). We are glad to be back in NC, but its just not "home".

We both had a very good time, so thank you to everyone. A special thanks to Bob & Jen...Thanks for letting us freeload off you for almost 2 weeks.

Here are a few photos of our trip......... (click for a better view)Jenny, Austin, Megan & Miss at the pool party.

Chayden & Miss (what a little lifeguard)


Heather's Family (most of them), Top row (left to right) - Jenny, Bob, Heather, Me, Peri, Tom, Laura, and Jason. Middle - Don. Bottom row (left to right) - Matthew, Austin, Miranda


Heather and I in Moms sweet MG.


Me, Heather and Grandma


Mom / Jolene said...

Darling Pictures. We are so glad you came. Thanks for sharing You with Us!

Dad said...

You two look so natural in the MG.Sure was great to have you here!! I'm excited for a trip to NC now.

Peri said...

I already miss you both. It was great having you out here. You're welcome back anytime. How about next week?

laura said...

it really was a nice to have you guys back here! i heard you got free tickets, so we expect to see you back here soon!

Jonathan said...

I can't believe how close we were to seeing you.

Megan said...

I'm so glad you both came. Hopefully you guys will come back for Christmas or something. Thanks tons for coming. I love you both.

Janet said...

Those are such good pictures! I want the MG!